Sunday, March 10, 2019


Alright so we definitely have a problem in our hands and I think it is time to address it so we have to get real for a second. Since we began this project Pearse and I have been focused on setting everything up so when we start filming we are ready to kill it. However it has been 3 weeks and we have no footage, nada people, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! However, I haven’t been slacking off, I have had to deal with many things constantly, junior year is hard and I am really really tired. I’m a tough guy but most of the time I want to go home curl up in a ball and cry. I am ~exhausted~.
          Oh me you’re so cute yes that is done, for now, we signed up for the ACT February and we have to study remember it is not the same.
         Oh, shoot. Damn how do you have a social life, 4.0 GPA, stay fit, and have time for your girlfriend?
Well me, I haven’t seen my friends in a week. Last time I had 8 hours of sleep I thought girls had cooties. I got kicked out of my swimming team because I never go. Oh, and my girlfriend texted me we need to talk. BUT the gpa looks cute :)
ANDDDDDDDD you look cute ;)

       That's inappropriate, but thanks <3 But continuing with our initial problem. We have no footage and we need to address this problem NOW. Well, not right now cause I am tired and my mom is making food so maybe like another day, we just need a schedule. SO A SCHEDULE I SHALL MAKE. Here you go: 
  • Film this week
  • Next week too
  • Week after too
  • Take a break the week after you ~deserve~ it
  • Edit if you want too lol
        Just kidding I will make a more specific schedule but just so you guys know I am serious about this project I will tell you when I’m not filming. This upcoming Saturday I am working all day and I will be unable to work, and Sundays I go to church with my mom early.
         Those are my only plans, sorry I am so boring and completely academic #harvardclassof2023 #willhateharvard #willbecomeharvarddroput #atleastiwenttoharvard #cambridgeuniversityisbetter. Pearse and I have made plans to start filming next week either Friday or Sunday in the afternoon. However, we are both extremely busy and swamped with countless things. Hopefully, we manage to get this A1 project on the road to show these amateurs how it’s done. Sorry, not sorry Steven Spielberg. Also, I would like to talk about why we decided on an outside hire to be the main actor. Male toxicity. We couldn’t decide which out of the two of us was cuter to be on screen. Actually, that is not 100% true, although we both know it kinda was. Pearse and I would have had to act at the same time on some scenes and we would have to rely on one of our moms to film, and my mom can’t even change her screensaver so we made the right call. This way we both can focus solely on the production of our opening, not on how we look. Tough decisions like these take long face-time calls and a lot of thought, but we made the right choice. Manos a la obra chicos!

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