Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fonts and Giggles

     Earlier this week Pearse and I went font hunting to find the perfect fit for our story. It may be perceived as a simple task that should not take much time, however, it must well throughout in order that the font captures the movie as well. Like all elements that go into making a movie choosing a font has its own process as well. The font you choose to use needs to be appropriate with the theme of everything else, especially when you're an amateur movie maker like me. You can't take big risks but should try to be as creative as possible when choosing a font for your title or credits. For us, it took longer than we expected but I found a website called FontBundles and suddenly it got a lot easier. I used a separate email when I signed up so I wouldn't get the annoying spamming but besides the many emails, you may receive from them it is a very good website to search for your font.

So here are the ones that caught our attention:

Pearse found this font when we were searching for HOURS (just kidding not that much). He really liked the 90's theme is brought to our production. In my opinion, it does bring that feel to the words but I don't think our production has enough 90's theme elements to make sense.

Honey Bee
This font is kind of random but it looks really cool in a way that could work towards our film production. It is definitely something we should really think about before choosing 100% on but I really feel like we won't know which font to use until our filming is done and our video is put together.

Inflatable Flamingo
Again it is also really random but when I saw this font it reminded me of a teen movie filled with endless beach days and summer pool parties. It looks like it could really fit in with everything that we are trying to bring into this production. It could work, it really could.

       Overall, those are the top 3 as of now but nothing is guaranteed. I am happy to announce that we are filming soon and I have a feeling it is going to be so much fun and it is going to look awesome. Also, I am officially the main character so yeah it is gonna be filled with amazing acting.

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