Monday, March 25, 2019

Filming duh duh duhhhh

We finally did it and I have proof. I have proof and nobody can say we didn't.

          It is Sunday and I have been sick for a couple of days and I wake up to the smell of my mom's cooking burning. I quickly put out the fire and dig into burnt toast and eggs. I continue my day by passing out for a couple of hours and waking up to my friend checking up on me. I decided it is time to eat again at 11am so we start cooking ramen since he had bought various ingredients in Japan the week before.
This what he bought and we used it to make the soup. I think it is called miso paste.
This is the final result. Maybe I should have done a cooking magazine lol
            Then we went to my house and ate AGAIN. My grandma cooked this time so nothing burned (please don't show this to my mom). Then my friend and I went to our swimming competition, however, I wasn't allowed to swim :(
            Later I went to soccer but I lost track of time and I was late for filming and I am the main actor so oops.
           To my surprise when I arrived the other actors were not there and Pearse was FURIOUS.  We looked over our equipment, set up the rooms and did some things here and there. I helped Pearse open up the windows so it is easier for us to "sneak out" when filming. We also went over very carefully with Pearse's mom what her job was and how she would have to act out several times the same scene so we get different angles. We decided to start filming at least something so we changed our opening scene from an establishing shot of the house and so on to the mom starting to cook. Pearse had bought some quick ramen to cook since there was no other food and we just rolled along with it and hoped for the best. We really had to adapt because we were both falling asleep waiting for the girls to come. 

Spoiler: We won an Oscar.


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