Thursday, April 9, 2020


Today was a big day for us. As you may already know from my previous blogs Pearse will be filming the project at his house. The reason we decided he will be filming is that he has a Canon camera and did not like the idea of me plainly filming with an iPhone. No discrimination to anyone out there filming with an iPhone it’s just that this is a really important project and we want to use the best resources we can.

Pearse began filming the beginning scenes today. The beginning shits of our movie will be where the credits are rolling so we wanted to capture some eye-catching shots that leave room for credit. Since I was not visibly there Pearse showed me later in the day through FaceTime how some of the scenes came out and I must say he is a really good filmmaker. Our beginning scenes also consist of many shots with picture frames because we want to foreshadow how important photographs are in this piece. So far so good!
A sample of what the shots look like

After Pearse was done filming the beginning scenes he moved on to film with his family. He filmed our largest dialogue scenes in order to get an idea if we should have cut down the scene or not. The scene came out good for nonprofessional actors which is extremely surprising given our pay experience having to have people in our movies. Today was a good day :)

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