Saturday, February 23, 2019

Character Development

                My partner and I have decided to go a different route and explore the drama genre. Drama is huge genre category that spreads out to many branches. There are a variety of subcategories under drama, but for the sake of our project I will be focusing on the key elements that each of these subcategories posses that classifies them to be under drama. Usually drama films revolve around a character(s) that are in conflict “at a crucial time in their life” (AllMovie). Drama movies tend to try and connect with their audience by developing stories that will touch on people’s emotions. It is mostly about creating a connection with the audience in order to deliver the story more efficiently. Drama’s focus highly on character development throughout the whole film. Movies are not about telling a story, they’re about telling a story through character(s). Every role must have a purpose, a specific reason on why it must be on the character. According to The Guardian one technique many screenplay writers use is they ask themselves some questions when building their cast:

Who am I? Answer: what type are person are you, shown through what drives your actions.

Where am I? Answer: It can be a literal and rhetorical question. Location, emotionally, etc.

When is it? Answer: time, season, day, etc.

Where have I just come from? Answer: what were they doing before you introduced them.

What do I want? Answer: their goal.

                 There are many more questions but I just wanted to give a few examples that show the extensive amount of work that goes into creation any role, even the most simple ones. There's constant analyzing of every aspect of the character at all points of the story. What are their strengths and weaknesses, how do they play a role, IT IS SO MUCH AHHHH!!! But when executed right it can create some beautiful roles that can revolutionize the film industry such as Forest Gump, Jack Sparrow, Doc Brown, Han Solo, James Bond, etc.

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